Tis the Season, and so I ask this question of all of you out there! Yes, You. Right there. Do you prefer Real or Fake Christmas trees? Do you boycott them altogether? Seeing as how this is a garden crew, etc., I am curious as to your thoughts and views.
I'll start with mine. I adore real Christmas trees. One of my favorite memories was going with the entire family to the Christmas tree lot, and grand negotiations taking place as to which tree would be going home with us. My oldest sister in particular was always very animate. There was nothing like returning home from school, a few days after the tree had been set up, to find that mom had been vacuuming, allowing the pine scent to hang in the air even clearer. My younger sister and I would sit on the couch in the living room on the couch by the big front window, and watch the tree, and the snowy streets outside,where all of the fairies were dancing in the trees, on roofs, and in the shrubs. To this day, Christmas lights always strike me as small family clans of fairies bustling about in bursts of light. Now, you may be saying that some of those things might have been experienced even with a fake tree. You might be right, but it has been an emotional part of the Holiday Season for me, and therefore part of the unexplainable magic.
I also loved being up early enough in the morning to see my dad throw his tie over his shoulder and water the tree every morning.
This girl is all for real Christmas trees. Kip and I have a beautiful one up right now. What about you?
Hi Red clover. I would rather have a real one and enjoy the scent of the pine needles. We have a forestry block over the back of the farm that belongs to our neighbours trouble is those trees are for fence posts. This year we have to put up with a false tree but in New Zealand we have one called the Pohutukawa which has stunning red flowers on it at Christmas Time so it's known as the New Zealand Christmas tree. I have several here on the farm so I'm looking forward to seeing their wonderful flowers. I still like the pines though.
Yes red clover - I too adore real trees - but
a) we have log fires so the heat gets up.
b) the floor gets covered with needles.
c) we only have a tiny tree nowdays.
d) we have a tiny artificial one which looks good and site in the corner. Sorry BUT
I am all for holly, ivy and pine cones - in fact any "proper" greenery - far preferable to tinsel.
I just put our Christmas tree up today, we have a real one. As well as asking what sort of tree, it would be interesting to hear the different methods to make said tree stand up once indoors. We now have a proper stand. In the big house they have a big log with a hole in the middle in to which I wedge the tree. I've used all manner of ways in the past. I just posted the repotting tip that I promised the other week, hope you find it helpful at sometime in the future. Bob.
Isn't it a little strange that we have this tradition of cutting down a live tree and setting it up in our houses for a month. I'm definitely on the side of using the real thing! I never have liked fake anything. I want things to really be what they appear to be.
Happy Noel!
We favor the real thing, but I always felt a little bad about it. Last winter I saw an article in This Old House magazine on using a live tree you purchase in the fall and then "pot it" for the Xmas, and then you plant it in the spring. No trees killed! :-)
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