

On Saturday we walked into the garden center to buy an indoor watering can.  We walked out with a Cyclamen that was on sale.  There were a few of them, which I have since learned are the "green house variety".    Considering how beautiful Cyclamen is, it was hard to decide which colour to bring home.  We ended up playing paper-rock-scissors, two out of three, and brought home a beautiful plant whose colouring I believe is described as Mini Libretto Pink.  

I prefer to think of it as Ethereal Pink myself, for it really is.  I'm besotted. 

It seems that Cyclamen prefer bright, indirect light.  (?)  I have not really pinpointed all the "bright, indirect light" places in our apartment.   I am supposed to keep her watered while she is blooming, and then I can expect her to go into a dormant period where I should let her dry out.   Never fear, come September I begin watering again, and (da da da da!) she returns.  (From what I understand, she too has tubers.)    Anyway, that's what I have learned so far. 

Any of you wise Cyclamen owners have some good tips for me? 

I gave Kip the charge to name her.  Though I did forbid him from picking Trixie.  I mean, come on.  


Ro Ro Riot said...

Pictures? Also, maybe you could post some more interesting pictures of your apartment (with plants) because then I could look at the photos and pretend I go hang out with you there all the time.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I too love cyclamen and have a white one and a deep mauve on at present. My tip is do not over-water = that is the easiest way to kill them. I don't water mine until they begin to ask for it (ie begin to wilt slightly) then I water them and let it drain away so that they are never sitting in water. I keep both of mine on a South facing window sill where they get direct sunlight - but of course our winter sun is not very strong.

Rob said...

Hi Red Clover. I go with the not over watering bit too. You're right about letting them dry off, you will be left with a round corm type thing which looks good for nothing but it will come back to life with a drop of water later in the year. Bob.

Kathy said...

I keep the dead blooms snipped...to encourage flowering of the other blooms. Don't let dry out totally though just the top layer of dirt before watering during the active bloom time. yes, I put mine on sale too...

Jeanette said...

Gday Red Clover,, I love the red and pink cyclamen i had mine in the ground under a tree for years the removed the tree forgot about the cyclamen and i think the frost wiped them out...

Bob said...

Thanks for your comments I love flower arranging. Cyclamen dont like it to hot. We sell a lot at work mainly outdoor ones.