
When you enjoy gardening you begin to notice everyone's flowers.

When you're hired as a gardener you begin to notice everyone's weeds.


Zachary and Jennifer said...



Ro Ro Riot said...

That is a very funny observation.

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right! (I enjoyed chatting w/you the other day.)

Kathy said...

AMEN! Isn't that funny? But, it helps me feel better to know that we all have that...

LHall said...

I wouldn't mind if you noticed my weeds as long as you did something about them!

EB said...

Oh I dunno, I do that and nobody pays me for it! I don't know whether I envy you or not for that, but I do for having the courage to go for it. I've just found your blog (don't know why it took me so long) and I'm glad.