

So, I bought two miniature roses that are quite charming, and planted them together in a pot. Apparently everyone has an opinion about roses, and how to take care of them, and what their favorite songs are, etc. You get my point. What I need is some sound advice on "The Basics of Rose Maintenance". I know that many of you actually know what you are talking about, and I am a blank page {except I did get a wooden dowel and stake the longest branch to grow up, instead of flopping down}.

Red Clover


The Weaver of Grass said...

Sorry but I had absolutely no success with miniature roses, so I am not the one to ask. Good luck with them thought - I am sure someone will come up with some good suggestions.

Rob said...
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Rob said...

Hi Red Clover, To be honest I think people make too much of a fuss over roses. In my experiences with them the more trouble you go to the more trouble they give you. Basically while they are budding or flowering feed them with a potash feed at the recommended rate, water and dead head when the petals drop. When you dead head or cut them back for whatever reason cut back to just above an outward facing bud. Aphids and blackspot are usually the things you have to watch out for with roses. Good luck with them anyway. Bob